Now Foods, Essential Oils, 자스민 앱솔루트, 1 fl oz (30 ml)
페이지 정보
작성자 김준범 조회 659회 댓글 3건 작성일 21-08-31 04:52본문

◀제품 설명▶
- 100% 순수한 천연 제품
- 7.5% 오일 블렌드
- Jasminum Grandiflorum
- 순도 시험 완료/품질 보증
아로마: 온화하고 달콤한 플로럴.
혜택: 로맨틱, 이완, 진정
추출법: 꽃으로 부터 훈증.
◀제품 사용법▶
이완 블렌드: 디퓨저에 자스민 순수 오일과 라벤다 오일을 각각 2 방울을 더하고, 바닐라 농축 오일은 15 방울을 더하여 즐기십시오.
본 블렌드는 이미 희석하였으므로 바로 사용하시면 됩니다. 권장 사용법은 에센셜 오일 책자나 기타 전문적인 참고 문헌을 참조하시기 바랍니다.

◀제품 설명▶
- USDA Organic(미국 농무부 유기농 인증)
- 비타민 C - 1회 제공량당 하루 영양소 기준치의 100%
- 비건
- Kosher 유제품
- Certified Organic by Oregon Tilth(Oregon Tilth 유기농 인증)
T & H의 약속
당사는 유기농, 천연 성분, 책임 있는 원칙으로 음식을 만들어야 더 맛있다고 생각합니다. 당사는 최대한 건강하고 친환경적이며 사회적 책임을 갖고 만든 맛있고 감미로운 음식을 추구합니다. 정성스럽게 만든 이 캔디는 확연하고 고급스러운 맛을 내어 여러분을 만족시킵니다. 첨가제, 인공 향료 또는 색소가 함유되어 있지 않습니다.
단지 순수하고 신선하며 감미로운 만족감.
무함유 성분:
- 대두
- 글루텐
- 유전자 변형 성분
- 인공 향료
- 옥수수 시럽
- 인공 색소
- 밀
- 카제인
- 유제품

◀제품 설명▶
- Science - Innovation - Quality - Results
- Professional Grade Supplements
- Improves Mental Focus
- Potent Energy Source
- Improves Body Composition
- Quality Guaranteed - Purity & Potency Tested
- Dietary Supplement
- cGMP Registered Facility
- Every Lot Lab Tested
- Vegan
- Gluten Free Tested
Taurine is a conditionally essential amino acid. During times of extreme physical exhaustion, supplementation is recommended and has been found to have the following benefits.
Improves Athletic Performance: A study posted in FASEB found several exercise-related benefits of Taurine. Supplementation improved skeletal functions and provided an energizing effect.
Improves Mental Focus: Taurine acts as a metabolic transmitter and is important for brain metabolism. It may also help to stabilize the cell membranes in the brain and heart.
Regulates Mineral Balance: Taurine regulates water and mineral salts in the blood. Its ability to regulate electrolytic balance helps prevent muscle cramping.
Enhances Muscle Contractions: Taurine enhances the ability of the muscles to generate force by increasing the uptake and release of calcium irons.
Acts as a Cell Volumizer: Similar to Creatine, Taurine draws water in muscle cells and acts as a cell volumizer; this in turn draws additional nutrients for recovery and growth; increasing cell volume and enhancing muscle fullness.
Play a role in Nitric Oxide Production: Nitric Oxide production is critical to blood flow for greater oxygen supply and nutrient delivery. This mechanism may enhance the workout session and lead to a more rigorous workout.
Improves Body Composition: A clinical trial in which overweight and obese men were given 3 g of Taurine a day for 7 weeks experienced a significant reduction in serum fatty acid levels, and overall reduction in bodyweight.
In a study conducted on the link between Taurine deficiency and obesity in mice, the researchers found that an increase in Taurine in the body led to a greater rate of energy usage and reduction in the build up of fat.
◀제품 사용법▶
AllMax 타우린 3g(약 3/4티스푼)을 물이나 주스 180~240ml(6~8oz)에 섞어 운동하기 30분 전에 마십니다.

◀제품 설명▶
- Methyl-Sulfonyl-Methane
- OptiMSM®
- Dietary Supplement
- Suitable for Vegetarian/Vegans
- Vegan
- Veggie Cap
- Non-GMO - Certified by NSF
Jarrow Formulas® MSM is an organic source of bioavailable sulfur. Sulfur is an antioxidant mineral found in major structural tissues of the body such as cartilage. The sulfur from MSM is used to produce glycosaminoglycans (or mucopolysaccharides) present in proteoglycans, such as chondroitin sulfate, dermatan sulfate and hyaluronic acid. These sulfur-containing glycosaminoglycans are found in high concentrations in connective tissues, including joint cartilage, skin and collagen.
◀제품 사용법▶
Take 1 capsule 1 to 3 times per day or as directed by your qualified healthcare professional.
For best results, use with Jarrow Formulas® JarroSil®, the biologically Activated Silicon®.